


Saturday 3 September 2022

These 5 Life Quotes Will Make You Pause and Reflect Immediately.

There are periods in our lives when we cease becoming the best versions of ourselves that we could and ought to be. We lose sight of our moral principles and let distractions, external factors, and fear rule our lives rather than what we truly desire.

We cease supporting the mission and instead fall into routine. Our lives increasingly resemble something that is unfolding to us rather than something that we are actively shaping.

Of course, living in this manner is unpleasant and is not how anyone should live. You always have the choice of whether you respond to life or simply react to it. Gary Keller has stated this.

“When life happens, you can be either the author of your life or the victim of it.

The remaining portion of this post will examine five phrases that will make you pause and reflect. Let's begin.

“A mistake repeated more than once is a decision.” -Paulo Coelho

You must choose whether to snooze your alarm. Making the choice to give in to entertainment and diversion rather than pursuing your mission is a choice. It is a choice to not live in accordance with your values.

Your current perception of your exterior reality is really an expression of the choices you have made for yourself on the inside. According to John C. Maxwell,

“Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.”

You must decide what you actually want for yourself if you desire a different life, and then make the commitment to live up to that standard. That is precisely the reason Tony Robbin stated,

“Your life changes the moment you make a new, congruent, and committed decision.”

“We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” -Carlos Castaneda

Hugh Downs has also stated that "a happy person is not a person in a given set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes."

You are solely responsible for your emotional state. There will always be unpleasant situations and unexpected events. Never lose sight of the fact that you are in control of how those things will impact your Being. According to Ryan Holiday,

“There is no good or bad without us, there is only perception. There is the event itself and the story we tell ourselves about what it means.”

You may direct all of your attention toward bringing about the outcomes you genuinely want in life once you have let go of all the needless suffering brought on by events beyond your control.

I believe everything happens for a purpose, but I also think it's up to us to decide what those reasons are, as Hal Elrod once stated.

“Your daily routine is the clearest indicator of where you’re going.” -Benjamin P. Hardy

Many people incorrectly think that major life events are what define us. "Aha!" moments. the times when we change jobs, succeed in our goals, or relocate across the globe.

But in reality, it's the simple things that have the biggest impact on our lives. It's deciding to work out once a week. It's choosing to read a book instead of watching the news.

The wise words of Tony Robbins are true: "It's not what we do sometimes that shapes our lives. This is what we always do. James Clear once stated in a similar manner,

“Our habits can either compound for us or against us”

Simply said, your actions today will ultimately determine your destiny, making them far more significant than any plans you may have for the future.

"Look at the previous five conversations you had to see how your future would pan out." -Unknown

"Surround yourself with people who remind you more of your future than your past," Dan Sullivan has added.

When the people you surround yourself with and the discussions you have reinforce your present or past selves rather than the person you aim to be, you cannot expect to develop in your life.

Sometimes, you just have to accept the fact that certain people in your life are now moving at a faster and/or different path than you would like. As a result, the connections might no longer make sense.

This is not to mean that these individuals have completely disappeared from your life or your tale; rather, you continue to value and recognise their influence.

You just understand, though, that they don't go with the current path you're on. Like a rocketship, you are aware that any additional weight will slow you down.

Is that a target or a dream? Because a dream is a fantasy that will almost certainly never come true. An objective is something you set, work for, and accomplish.

If we're being completely honest, the majority of people only have dreams and no actual goals.

Month after month, year after year, they fantasize about wanting more, but they never take any action to get closer to that reality. Anthony Moore has said as follows:

“Most people will continue getting high on the dopamine of solely “dreaming” and journaling about their ideal life, without ever doing any meaningful work to make those goals happen.”

You need to start living like the person you envision yourself becoming one day; it is not enough to simply think about it. Plan beforehand, please. You need a method you can follow. You must make a promise that is worth fighting for.



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